In strength training, free weights vs. machines is always the first question to be asked. To most people starting out, or those who have not lifted in awhile, picking out a routine is hard enough let alone trying to figure out which equipment to use. We will try to give the plus and the minuses of free weights and weight machines and let you decide which will benefit you the most.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Running For Health and Fitness
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Acai The Super Fruit
The Acai (AH-SIGH-EE) berry is a small purple grape like fruit that grows at the top of the palm trees in the swamp area of the Amazon Rain Forest. The Acai berry is also referred to as the "Super Fruit".
The Acai berry has many health benefits: The Acai berry alleviates diabetes, minimizes inflammation and improves circulation. Acai also stabilizes normal blood sugar levels. This Super fruit of the Amazon (Acai) will boost your energy level, improve digestive function, improve mental clarity and focus. Acai provides all vital vitamins, is high in fiber (which lowers cholesterol), cleanses and detoxifies the body of infectious toxins. The Acai berry strengthens the immune system, slows down the aging process and promotes younger looking skin.
The Acai berry on a comparison chart of the best commercial fruits, is by far higher in antioxidants know to man kind.

Strawberries 36 per gram
Raspberries 48 per gram
Blackberries 53 per gram
Blueberries 92 per gram
Cranberries 94 per gram
Pomegranate 105 per gram
* Acai (properly freezedried) 1,027 per gram
Taken from the USDA data, the Acai berries ORAC (Antioxidant) is 500-1000% higher than any other fruit or vegetable.
Not only is the Acai berry rich in antioxidants and amino acids, it is the most nutritional "Super fruit" from the Amazon Basin. The Acai berry is also the stimulus for the native local people to preserve their habitat (The Rain Forest) . So now the health benefit for the Acai berry and the demand for the Acai berry has shown the local native people that this can be a very lucrative business, known as a win win situation.
*Antioxidants- natural compounds have shown to block or soak up the extra cell parts known as free radicals the bad molecules. These molecules break and attach to other molecules which reproduce more damaging cell, this is what starts the bodies aging process leading to disease and health issues. Antioxidants can promote a longer and healthier life.
Amino acids- are body building proteins or our building blocks for our cells and body tissue.
A study done in 2006 at the University of Florida, found the Acai extracts caused cultured human leukemia cells to voluntarily self destruct. It is unclear at this time if the Acai berry has the same effect on cancer cells when they are found in the body, but the study on Acai showed promising results. Labs are now starting to test Acai to find out more medical uses it could have in store for us and our future generations.
AMAZON THUNDER is a high quality product made from 100% organic pulp from the Acai berry with no preservatives, no caffeine or added sugars. The Amazon Thunder Co. spares no expense with their product, it is 100% pure in quality. They take into consideration people have different lifestyles and they intern have different ways in producing their product to the public.
Acai juice is available in a 32 oz. bottle, also the freeze dried powder can be used to create smoothies, teas, mixed in with yogurt, milk, or juice. Acai is also available for those who are on the go. They offer concentrated Acai pulp freeze dried powder capsules and individual concentrated Acai puree thunder juice packs. All are 100% PURE!
From our personal experience Amazon Thunder is by far the best out there!
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