Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Successful Ways To Avoid Boredom On A Sole Treadmill

After owning a Sole Treadmill I've found a few ways to keep your treadmill workouts from getting stale, try some of these tips for beating boredom on the treadmill. Try an interval workout. Rather than running at a constant pace, mix up your run with hard and easy segments. It can be as simple as: A five-minute warm-up followed by three sets of four-minute intervals (two minutes of hard running and two minutes of easy running), followed by a five-minute cool-down. Listen to music. Although using headphones while running outside is not safe, listening to music on the treadmill can be a great way to combat boredom and run longer. Choose motivating songs and create a play list for your workout and  it will help prevent you from continually checking the clock to see how much more you have to go.

A great workout on a Sole Treadmill is a pyramid workout. The time flies by during this treadmill workout because you're paying so much attention to your interval times. After a 5-minute warm-up, run hard (5K pace) for one minute, recover one minute; run hard two minutes, recover two minutes; run hard three minutes, recover two minutes; run hard four minutes, recover two minutes; run hard five minutes, recover two minutes. Then work your way back down the "pyramid" and run hard four minutes, recover two minutes; run hard three minutes, recover two minutes; run hard two minutes, recover two minutes; run hard one minute, recover one minute. End the workout with a 5-minute cool down.

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